This allows you to upgrade your instrument to the latest BlueForce Smart Pro and perform a Standard Calibration with a single shipment.
N.B. the Smart Pro Upgrade also includes access to the CLOUD area for one year.
- After ordering the Smart Pro Upgrade + Standard Calibration you must send the instrument at your own expense to: Microtronics s.r.l. Via Schiavonia,93 - 31032 Casale sul Sile (TV).
- The cost of the Upgrade is 330 Euro + 115 Euro Calibration + 25 Euro return shipping (VAT excluded).
- Processing times vary between 1 and 3 working days (excluding transport).
- N.B. The Upgrade is only for previous instruments with USB port (for other models contact Microtronics).
- N.B. For some models the Upgrade may include replacement of the carrycase.
- N.B. Please specify in the notes whether you want the old carrycase returned.
The Standard Calibration consists of verifying the measurement error of the instrument, in accordance with the internal procedure and in the Microtronics laboratory environment. A Calibration Certificate is issued with metrological reference to Accredia National traceable samples. The service includes (for Microtronics instruments only) the updating of the calibration date in the instrument's memory and the eventual adjustment to restore the expected accuracy limits.